- Ruh Care
Showing 1 - 9 of 50 Results

Muslim Therapists Results - Alberta

Fatai Aderogba

SALAM ALEKUM, It’s great to see or hear from you. if you are experiencing some social and emotional difficulties, fear, anxiety; pain and stress, grief or traumatized

Calgary, Alberta, T3M 1Z2, Canada

Audrey Kodye

Psychologist helping Professionals and Executives be in control so they can direct their Energy to important Goals, through Effective, Evidence-based therapy |Black |Bilingual | Muslim

Edmonton, Alberta, T6R 0V5, Canada

Dr. Zahra Mohamed
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Dr. Syed Hyder Hussain
St Paul, Alberta, Canada

Dr. Al-Noor Mawani
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Dr. Nadeem Dada
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Dr. Safeer Khan
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Dr. Mahnaz Salsali
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Lubna Zaeem

I was born and raised in Pakistan by parents who migrated from the Indian Subcontinent. I have been in North America for the last 30 years and have done all my studies in psychology from Duke University, University of Alberta and Athabasca University. Being an immigrant myself, my passion lies working with the ethnocultural community.For her volunteer work, I received the Athabasca University Alumni Volunteer Service Award, the YMCA Peace Medal, Governor General’s Sovereign Volunteer Award and 2019 Alumni Honour Award, recognizing the significant achievements and contributions over several years by University of Alberta alumni to their profession and/or their community. Lubna lives in Edmonton with her family and har favorite past time is to spend time with her grandchildren.

Edmonton, Alberta, T6R 2M7, Canada

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